Friday, February 29, 2008

Warning!!!! Topless Photo!!!!

For all those dads out there who are worried that there little boys won't grow up to be tough, strong men...

This is guaranteed to put hair on their chest.

Results not guaranteed for all body types and are not permanent.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wesley's Gettin Saved

Wesley is gonna get saved tomorrow.

Not really, but we are going before our church to do an official baby dedication. However, I agree with our children's pastor when she says it's more of a parent dedication than a baby dedication. Basically, it's similar to a baptism for us.

When you place your faith in Jesus, it's common practice to get baptized. Baptism is often explained as a public profession of faith, meaning it's usually one of the first times you let people know about your decision to become a disciple of Christ. It doesn't really "do" anything for you except get you wet. The induction, if you will, occurred when you first made the decision. It's kind of like the couple who runs off to another place and gets married then comes home and has a ceremony. The ceremony doesn't "do" anything for them. They are already married, the deed is done. It's just an easy way to let everybody else know and show the spouse that they are not ashamed.

I regress, Jade and I will let everybody know publically that we intend to train Wesley up to the best of our ability in the way God plans for him to go so that when he is old he will not depart from it.

As part of the 'ceremony' some pictures of Wesley (it wasn't hard to pick since we don't have very many pictures, see Jade's blog at or ) will flash on the screen and a quote that we selected for him. The quote we chose is from Louie Giglio, a fairly well known collegiate speaker.

"History is what is written every moment that you live. Let us write the history of our lives today. Our life, our history, our legacy is for today." -Louie Giglio

Since Wesley is the first born to the Payne family, part of his responsibility will be to carry on the legacy of the Payne name, but more importantly he will begin his own legacy that he will pass on to his family. He will write the history of his life with every decision he makes and each day that passes. He will dream of what he wants to be known for and how he wants to be remembered when he is gone.

It's kind of a novel idea...this writing history. I mean after all, you can't rewrite history, but every moment we live is history in the making.

What will your history say about you?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Jesus, Take the Wheel

Our pastor posted this on his blog and I felt it was worth reposting in mine.