Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wesley's Education

I signed Wesley up for Catholic school yesterday. He's just growing up so fast. One minute he's in the womb and the next he's well...he's still in the womb. But man he's kicking like he's ready to come out. I hope he's not claustrophobic and getting all panicky in there. Today I put my mouth to Jade's belly button and said, "Welsey, I am your father." I think that calmed him down a bit.

So yesterday some ladies from the Catholic church down the street were walking around doing a survey of the neighborhood trying to get a feel for the need of a daycare/school. They asked me if we had any kids and I said we were expecting our first in January and they said, "Oh good", "How exciting," etc, etc. I preceded to tell them that Jade would be a stay at home mom so we wouldn't be too interested in a daycare program. Then one of the ladies said, "Oh so your going to homeschool." And I said with a concerned look on my face, "Whoa, maybe not homeschool." (If you're interested in my views on homeschooling give me a call sometime and we'll talk about it). Then I said,"Well we still have a few years before we have to make any decisions like that anyway." And the homeschool lady said, "OK then, we'll mark you down as interested."

The lady with her said, "Well the baby's not even here yet, and the program is only available for kids 2 years and older."

But the homeschool lady wasn't deterred. She took my name, house number, and checked the "interested" box. She asked me if I was Catholic and I said no and she said that's ok, "It's for everybody."

So...Just like that Wesley's going to Catholic school. less thing to worry about. I'm told you have to plan ahead for these kinds of things.

Pressing On

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